Learning Plan 24-25
Choctaw/Nicoma Park Schools Start Smart Updated Return to Learn Plan
Download pdf copy of this document.
This document includes various efforts that our district continues to make in order to provide a safe climate for our students and faculty during the 2024-2025 school year. Any changes made to this document will occur with continued input from our entire community of CNP educators, staff, parents, and administrators as well as OSDE, CCOSA, OSSBA, the OKC/OK County Health Department, health professionals, and state and local leaders. Updates to the document will be posted on our website. We appreciate the support of our stakeholders as we do our best to provide a safe and appropriate learning environment for all of our students. We ask that all patrons remain understanding and flexible as needed. We remain committed to transparency and will notify all stakeholders if and when changes have been made to our Return to Learn Plan.
The united efforts of our community will ensure continued excellence in CNP schools.
Choctaw Nicoma Park Students will continue school in a traditional, full-day setting.
Link to State Department Guidelines:
Edge uses an on-line learning format with Oklahoma State Department of Education required in-person testing scheduled as needed throughout the year. The format for those enrolled in the EDGE will not change.
Sports/Extra Curricular Activities for Secondary Sites:
As long as the OSSAA allows student activities to continue, middle school activities that were held after school will remain after school. High school activities will be held during their normal scheduled time.
See attached calendar for the 2024-25 School Year
Distance Learning:
Distance Learning will be used to address short-term needs of individual students placed in quarantine or for other individual circumstances deemed appropriate by the site principals. Distance Learning will also be used in case of short-term site closures due to inclement weather or other necessary circumstances as identified by the district superintendent. Students will earn full credit for completed distance learning assignments.
Contact Tracing:
The Choctaw-Nicoma Park School District will continue to work with the OKC-OK County Health Department regarding students/personnel with a positive Covid-19 diagnosis, or students/personnel who have been in close proximity to another person with Covid-19. Guidelines of the OKC-OK County Health Department regarding isolation and/or quarantine will be followed. Individuals who have been fully vaccinated will not be required to isolate or quarantine.
Will run routes as normal.
Face Masks:
Beginning Tuesday, May 11, 2021, face masks will be voluntary and not required for outdoor events. Beginning Monday, May 24, 2021, face masks will be optional indoors.
Changes to District Policy Related to Covid-19:
Addition: FDC-R1 “A significant medical condition means a severe, chronic, or life-threatening physical or mental illness, infection, injury, disease, or emotional trauma. Any COVID-19 related absences due to a child’s medical needs will be considered a significant medical condition.” As with other significant medical conditions, students will be allowed to participate in distance learning activities.
Choctaw-Nicoma Park will continue to monitor state and community spread of COVID-19. The plans in the document are subject to change as new information becomes available or as new situations arise related to COVID-19. We thank each family for your patience and support as we navigate these unprecedented times together.
“Alone we can do so little, TOGETHER we can do so much.”