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Transportation FAQ's


Q: The bus did not show up on time for my child. How long should he wait at the stop?

A: Your child should arrive at the designated bus stop at least five minutes before the regular arrival time of the bus. Circumstances beyond our control could make the bus late occasionally. Vehicle “break downs,” impassable roads, emergencies or driver shortage are just a few reasons that could make the bus late. We will always make sure a bus will be at your stop. If the wait is longer than 15 minutes, please contact the transportation office at 390-5524.

Q: My child does not ride the bus consistently. How will the driver know when they will be at the stop?

A: If you have a regular schedule to share with the driver they will work it into their route. If a child has not ridden for 3 consecutive days you must notify the driver when you need service to resume. If there are no other passengers in your area, a call to the Transportation Office to inform the driver that you will or will not be riding is appreciated. Please contact the transportation office at 390-5524.

Q: Can my child ride home with a friend?

A: Only authorized personnel and eligible bus students assigned to a specific bus are permitted to ride that bus. Students WILL NOT be allowed to ride any bus other than assigned bus. Students will be transported to/from designated stop and to/from designated school only. Designated stops are assigned by the Transportation Department based on the student’s recorded home address. Notes from parents/guardian will not be accepted as authorization to ride a bus. 

Q: I can't see my child's bus stop from my house. How can I get the bus stop moved closer? The bus goes right by my house. Why can’t it stop here?

A: Bus stops are placed at centralized locations that can be safely accessed by a significant number of students to minimize the time, and length of the route. If you have concerns about your child's safety you are encouraged to accompany your child to the bus stop or arrange a neighborhood buddy to walk with your child.

Q: My child's bus is overcrowded. Can some children be placed on another bus?

A: Passenger capacity for elementary school buses is three students per seat. Middle school students are assumed to ride two-three per seat. High school students are assumed to ride two per seat. The bus may seem crowded but is not over capacity and is still safe.

Q: My child is a special education student. To whom should I speak concerning his transportation?

A: Initial transportation for special needs children is established by an IEP team at the time of enrollment. Please discuss these programs with a counselor at your child's school site.

If you have transportation questions after acceptance into the special needs program, call the transportation at 390-5524. We require 3 days to process a Special Needs Request.

Q: My child has lost his/her bus riding privilege and has been suspended from riding his/her regular bus. Can my child ride a different school bus?

A: No.

Q: Are seat belts required on school buses?

A: Seat belts on school buses are not required equipment. School buses utilize the "compartmentalization" concept to insure student safety. Since the mid-70’s the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has determined that this approach to student safety is the most practical for school buses. Compartmentalization is an arrangement whereby seats are placed close together to absorb the energy of a child’s body thrown against it.

Additional padding, higher seat backs, frame construction, and anchoring requirements make compartmentalization the accepted choice of and the industry standard.

Transportation Services does utilize lap belts and other restraint systems in certain circumstances. Special Education buses currently provide lap belts for all students. Additionally, a few of our conventional buses have a limited number of lap belts available for "active" students.

Q: What is a Bus Incident Report?

A: A bus incident report is part of the discipline process used on Choctaw NP school buses. Bus drivers are required to write up any incident in which the rules were broken. That report comes to the Transportation Supervisor and is forwarded to the Principal at the students’ school. Students are expected to know and follow all bus safety rules in order to assure everyone of a safe ride. For more information, consult the Student Code of Conduct.

Q: Can my child ride the bus without returning a signed Code of Conduct Form?

A: No. Requiring students and parents to sign and turn in the Student Code of Conduct Forms provides an opportunity for parents to explain the rules to the students so that everyone may understand what behavior is expected on the bus.

Q: If my child misses the bus, will you come back to pick him/her up?

A: Students are required to be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the stop time. Buses are scheduled to arrive at a bus stop and campus at predetermined times. The majority of our buses service multiple sites; therefore it is important the buses do not deviate from their schedules so we may keep our level of service to all of our students. Parents are required to transport their child should they miss the bus.

Q: Do students practice emergency evacuations from the school bus?

 A: Yes, by law it is required on a semi-annual basis that all students be instructed in the proper way to evacuate a school bus in an emergency situation. Drills are performed on each route within the first two weeks of each semester. Drivers are trained in the proper use of emergency exits and procedures. It is important that children listen to and follow the instructions of the bus driver before and during emergency evacuation drills.

Q: I have a complaint about a bus driver. Who do I talk to about this?

A: Please call the transportation office at (405) 390-5524.




Q: What are the requirements to drive a school bus for Choctaw/Nicoma Park Public School District?

A: Bus Driver Requirements:

  • Pass Personnel Screening and Interview Process
  • Complete a Reference and Background Check
  • Criminal History Check (Pre-employment & Annual)
  • Federal & State (CDL) Motor Vehicle Record Check
  • Pass DOT Physical for School Bus Driver.
  • Pass Drug & Alcohol Screen Test (Pre-employment & Random)
  • Pass all Federal and Oklahoma State Drivers Licensing (CDL) Requirements
  • Complete Oklahoma Education Agency Bus Driver Certification Course (_25    hrs) (_6_-hour Re-certification Course is required every year)
  • Comply with Federal, State & District Operational Policies and Procedures

Q: Do I need a commercial driver’s license to operate a school bus?

A: Yes. To drive a school bus, you will need a Class B Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with passenger endorsement (P) and school bus endorsement (S).

Q: How do I get the license?

A: After you have passed your written tests and obtained your permit our professional driver training staff will provide you with the skills necessary to complete the behind-the- wheel skills required for your CDL.

Q: How long does this take?

A: Depending on your personal schedule and previous experience, training may take a minimum of five days or up to two weeks or more. We attempt to schedule your training around your schedule.

Q: Who pays for my CDL license?

A: Drivers and Driver Trainees are responsible for payment of their own license. There is no charge until you have passed your written test and go to the Tag Agency to purchase your learners license. You will be reimbursed all costs over the charges for a regular driver’s license after you have been hired.

Q: Where are applications available to drive a bus?

A: District Website