Discipline Policy
The board of education believes that the school's primary goal is to educate, not to discipline. However, education includes establishing norms of social behavior and assisting students in understanding and attaining those norms. When the behavior of an individual student comes into conflict with the rights of others, corrective actions are necessary for the benefit of the individual and the school. The teacher and/or administrator of a child attending a public school has the same rights as a parent or guardian to control and discipline that child while the child is in attendance or in transit to or from the school or while participating in any school function authorized by the school district.
Each student shall be treated in a fair and equitable manner. Disciplinary action will be based on a careful assessment of the circumstances surrounding each infraction. The following are some examples of these circumstances:
The student's attitude.
The seriousness of the offense.
The effect of the offense on other students.
Whether the offense is physically or mentally injurious to other people. Whether the incident is isolated or habitual behavior.
Any other circumstances which may be appropriately considered. Standards of behavior for all members of society are generally a matter of common sense. The following examples of behavior are not acceptable in society generally, and in a school environment particularly. The involvement of a student in the kind of behavior listed below will generally require remedial or corrective action. These examples are not intended to be exhaustive and the exclusion or omission of unacceptable behavior is not an endorsement or acceptance of such behavior. When, in the judgment of a teacher or administrator, a student is involved or has been involved in unacceptable behavior, appropriate remedial or corrective action will be taken.
- DISRUPTION OF SCHOOL. A student shall not by use of violence, force, coercion, or threat, or any other means cause material disruption or obstruction of any part of school including extra curricular activities.
- DAMAGE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY. A student shall not cause or attempt damage to any part of school property. In addition to suspension, restitution may be required by the student and/or his/her guardian(s). In addition, should it be deemed necessary, charges may be filed with the local authorities.
- ASSAULT/ASSAULT AND BATTERY. No student shall commit an act or seriously threaten an act of physical violence whereby the perpetrator causes, or attempts to cause, or seriously threatens to cause physical harm to another, especially to teachers, other school personnel, or other students.
- DANGEROUS WEAPONS & INSTRUMENTS. A student shall not possess, handle, transmit or conceal any object that would be dangerous to anyone else or himself while on school property or at a school activity.
- NARCOTICS, DRUGS, AND OTHER CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. A student shall not possess, use, transmit, conceal, or be under the influence of these harmful items while on school property, while under the jurisdiction of the school, or at a school activity.
- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. A student shall not possess, use, transmit, conceal, or be under the influence of these harmful items while on school property while under the jurisdiction of the school, or at a school activity.
- TOBACCO. A student shall not use, possess, conceal, or transmit tobacco in any form on school property or while at a school activit
- CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Criminal behavior as defined by law including but not limited to assault, battery, larceny, robbery, malicious mischief, vandalism, unlawful assembly, fighting, malicious use of the telephone, false alarm and reports, arson, forgery, and gambling.
- INSUBORDINATION AND DISRESPECT. A student shall not disregard the reasonable requests of school employees or refuse to comply with reasonable requests of school employees to the reasonable directions given by a teacher or school official.
- A student shall not operate a motor vehicle in a reckless manner on school property during the school day or at a school activity.
- PROFANITY, OBSCENE LANGUAGE, AND GESTURES. A student shall not use profanity or obscene language or gestures at school or at a school activity.
- CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM AND/OR TRUANCY. A student shall attend school in compliance with the compulsory attendance laws of the State of Oklahoma and with the attendance policy as established by the CNP Board of Education. Truancy from school for a day or any portion of a day is not permitted.
- VIOLATION OF BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICIES, RULES, REGULATIONS. A student shall not violate established policies, rules or regulations of the school district.
- REPEATED VIOLATIONS OF SCHOOL RULES. A student shall not continually violate established rules of teachers, and/or other school personnel or fail to comply with directives of school officials.
In administering discipline, consideration will be given to alternative methods of punishment to ensure that the most effective discipline is administered in each case. In all disciplinary action, teachers and administrators will be mindful of the fact that they are dealing with individual personalities. The faculty may consider consultation with parents to determine the most effective disciplinary measure.
In considering alternatives for disciplinary actions, the faculty/administration of the school district will consider the alternatives listed below. However, the school is not limited to these alternative methods, nor does this list reflect an order or sequence of events to follow in disciplinary actions. The board of education will rely upon the judgment and discretion of the administrator to determine the appropriate remedial or corrective action in each instance.
- Conference with student.
- Conference with parents.
- In-school suspension.
- Detention.
- Referral to counselor.
- Behavioral contract.
- Changing student's seat assignment or class assignment.
- Requiring a student to make financial restitution for damaged property.
- Requiring a student to clean or repair items or facilities damaged by the student's behavior.
- Restriction of privileges.
- Involvement of local authorities.
- Referring student to appropriate social agency.
- Suspension.
- Expulsion.
- Other appropriate disciplinary action as required and as indicated by the circumstances.
Parents, guardians, and students residing in this school district are also advised by means of this policy statement and by the student handbook that students in this district shall have no reasonable expectation of privacy rights towards school officials in school lockers, desks, or other school property. School personnel shall have access to school lockers, desks, and other school property at any time and no reason shall be necessary for such search.
Teachers, parents, guardians, and students are invited and encouraged to participate in the formulation of disciplinary policies, rules, and regulations by suggesting to administrators appropriate means of discipline for specific infractions.
REFERENCES:70 O.S. Sec. 6-114
21 O.S. Sec. 843
Adoption Date:12/14/98 Revision Date(s):